Brand : Netflix TUDUM 

The Archies

Brand : Netflix

Google & Samsung

Brand : Google & Samsung

Pizza Hut

Brand : Pizza Hut

Boat x Netflix

Brand : BOAT x Netflix

Redbull Spotlight

Brand : Redbull


Brand : Oppo


A brand’s product is no longer just a product, it’s something that lives, breathes and stirs deep emotions and makes even deeper connections. Brands now tell stories about their emotions and what they want you to know about them and their values, style and experiences. They sing, they dance, tell jokes, play games, bring you news, make you curious, give you tips, give you courage, make you think, play pranks on you andsometimes even make you cry. Great brands do all this without being in your face and at the same time being entertaining.

We will help you identify your target audience, understand their vibe, style, language and, create engaging, entertaining and, unique content solutions. Through focused and creative video, audio, image, written, and interactive formats, initiated by you, we can further strengthen your brand’s connect and increase your engagement with these targeted communities and beyond.


People follow people, especially the ones they trust! People also listen to what their favorite celebrities and influencers say and do and know instinctively when something is genuine and when some of their recommendations are just being pushed. But when you get the right celebrity/influencer with the right message in the right tone, you will see an ROI and an engagement rate that is higher than any bought marketing dollars and we aim to bring you that combination each time.

We have very well established networks, deep relationships, and extensive work experiences with celebrities and digital influencers. We can identify the right digital influencers and celebrities based on credible metrics, and booking them for branded activities, appearances, performances. We alternatively can work closely with you/your agencies to create full-fledged campaigns around an activity/launch. We understand and have the experience to bring together the right message and the right digital influencers/celebrities that other people will listen to and follow.